Jason Momoa Motorcycle Accident During Filming in 2021


Jason Momoa Motorcycle Accident

In the summer of 2021, Aquaman star Jason Momoa was involved in a motorcycle accident while filming in California. 

Momoa has an adventurous spirit and is known to enjoy riding his motorcycles for both work and leisure. However, Jason Momoa motorcycle accident left the actor seriously hurt.

What Happened During the Jason Momoa Motorcycle Accident

According to witnesses, Momoa rode his motorcycle through Old Topanga Canyon near Los Angeles in July 2021. 

He was reportedly making his way to the set of his upcoming Apple TV+ series Chief of War when the Jason Momoa motorcycle accident occurred.

Momoa was riding around a turn in the canyon road when he encountered oncoming traffic in his lane. To avoid a head-on collision, Momoa swerved his motorcycle onto the shoulder of the road. 

However, the shoulder was covered in loose gravel which caused Momoa to lose control of the bike.

He was thrown from the motorcycle as it slid across the gravel. Witnesses said Momoa tumbled several times after being ejected. 

He landed hard on the side of the roadway. Nearby motorists and hikers called emergency services immediately after seeing Momoa injured on the side of the road.

Paramedics arrived and treated Momoa at the scene before transporting him to a nearby hospital. 

His injuries were extensive enough to require medical care, though thankfully he was conscious the entire time.

The Extent and Recovery of Jason Momoa’s Injuries

At the hospital, Momoa received x-rays and a full examination. Doctors determined he had sustained several serious injuries in the motorcycle accident including fractured ribs and a broken thumb.

His wrist was also badly injured with torn ligaments and tendons. These types of arm and hand injuries can be especially troublesome for an actor, as using one’s hands is integral to their work.

Over the next few months, Momoa focused entirely on recovering from his physical wounds. He postponed filming scenes for Chief of War until he felt better. 

Recovery of Jason Momoa's Injuries

During his recovery, Momoa wore a cast on his wrist and relied on pain medication prescribed by his doctors.

By late 2021, after about 6 months of healing and physical therapy, Momoa stated he was finally starting to feel close to normal again. His ribs had fully mended, and his wrist was regaining strength and flexibility through exercises.

Though his injuries had significantly improved, Momoa said his thumb was still quite painful and stiff. 

He expects it may take until mid-2022 to fully heal from that particular broken bone suffered in the accident.

How the Jason Momoa Motorcycle Accident Affected His Work

Understandably, Jason Momoa motorcycle accident caused major disruptions to his busy work schedule at the time.

As mentioned, he had to pause filming scenes for Chief of War until his health permitted resuming physically demanding shooting. This likely pushed back the project’s production timeline and budget.

Fortunately, the Jason Momoa motorcycle accident did not impact Momoa’s completed projects in post-production like Dune or See Season 2. However, it did prevent him from beginning additional work for several months.

Jason Momoa Motorcycle Accident Affected His Work

As an action star accustomed to performing his stunts, a full recovery was essential before committing to any roles involving vigorous physicality. Producers had to work around Momoa’s unavailability as an actor during recuperation.

While frustrating for his career momentum, Momoa’s top priority was regaining his health after nearly being seriously injured in the motorcycle crash. 

He expressed gratitude that the accident wasn’t even more severe, allowing for recovery with enough rehabilitation.

Jason Momoa’s Love of Motorcycles Despite the Risks

Despite the scary Jason Momoa motorcycle accident, Momoa has stated he has no plans to stop riding motorcycles altogether. He acknowledges the inherent risks but finds riding to be very therapeutic.

Many who know Momoa say bikes allow him to embrace his adrenaline-loving personality. Some of his closest friends met through sharing a passion for motorcycles. 

And he enjoys the sense of freedom riding provides from the stresses of Hollywood life.

Of course, Momoa now rides more cautiously having experienced the real dangers firsthand. He wears full protective gear like leather suits and helmets religiously. 

And is especially careful on winding canyon roads with limited visibility like where the Jason Momoa motorcycle accident occurred.

Fans can’t help but worry for Momoa’s safety each time they see photographs of him back on two wheels. 

Still, they also understand bikes are deeply ingrained in who he is as a person thriving off adventure in his personal life.

Fan Support for Jason Momoa During His Recovery

Despite the setbacks, Momoa received overwhelming support from his many fans during his recovery period. On social media, fans constantly left get-well-soon messages for the actor. 

Many expressed how much they admired his strength and perseverance in dealing with the Jason Momoa motorcycle accident and subsequent injuries. 

Fan Support for Jason Momoa During His Recovery

Special fan art and video edits were also created to help lift Momoa’s spirits. This outpouring of care and encouragement likely helped motivate Momoa in his long physical therapy sessions. 

He has always been gracious with fans and expressed his appreciation for their well-wishes as he got his health back on track after the scary motorcycle crash. 

Having such a dedicated fan base behind him surely provided comfort and inspiration for Momoa to fully recover.

Lessons from Jason Momoa Motorcycle Accident Recovery

Jason Momoa motorcycle accident experience reinforces some important safety reminders for both motorcycle riders and anyone using public roads:

  • Always ride or drive cautiously according to conditions, especially around blind turns. Momoa’s crash was avoidable if all parties slowed down in the canyon.
  • Protect yourself with proper safety gear from head-to-toe like leather and armor as Momoa now does consistently.
  • If injured, focus on medical professionals’ guidance for full recovery before resuming strenuous activities to prevent long-term issues.
  • Plan for disruptions to schedules if sidelined by injuries until completely healed. Employers and coworkers should support flexibility.
  • Express gratitude if you survive an accident without permanent disability, recognizing others aren’t as fortunate. Appreciate each day afterward.

In the end, Momoa’s brush with danger serves as an invaluable lesson for all. It reminds us to value safety, yet also embrace life’s adventures by managing risks intelligently like he continues doing back in the saddle.

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